jueves, 3 de junio de 2010


1. Would you mind reviewing my resume againg?
Polite and formal

2. Can you help me with these reports?
Polite and informal

3. Call the boos right away?
Polite and formal

4. Can you come in early tomorrow morning?
Polite and informal

5. Would you mind changing your 2:00 polite and informalAppointment to 3:00?

6. Could you sign all three copies?
Polite and formal

2. completa las respuestas. Algunas respuestas pueden usar Can or Could.

1. (sing this check)
To your supervisor.Oh, Ms.Reeves can you sing this check please?

2.(open the door)
To a friend:Say, Jose. Can you open the door for me?

3.(help me pick them up)
To a stranger.Oh no! Dropped all the Reports. Can help me pick them up

4. (Answer the phones) to you co- worker:Oh, Arnie. Can you answer the phones while I’m at lunch?

5.(open the door) To a friend: I m in a hurry!Can open the door.

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